Lesson 9: LEMON Leadership

You can access this Assessment at: inst.net/lemon/assessment.php.

LEMON code: repbiz-Q3-





Here is the instruction to do 10-F Assessment:

-go to: http://inst.net/convergence/assessment.html

-login using username/password (username same as password): repbiz_kyi

-you should just see the 10-F assessment

-follow the direction in the assessment




Login Information

The URL is http://inst.net/10-P

The code is: repbiz-Q3-2011

Participants will see the login screen.

After entering the code they will be asked for some personal/work information which will help us analyze the data. Name and email address are required fields.



Access the Institute online scorecard:

-Go to http://inst.net/scorecard/

-Login using your username and password:

User: repbiz_kyi

Company: repbiz_kyi

Password: repbiz_kyi

-Click on ¡°Purpose¡± link at the top

-Scroll down to ¡°Purpose Strategy Detail¡±

-To add a strategy, click under ¡°Strategy Description¡±

-To add a KPI or action item, click on ¡°Add Action Item¡± or ¡°Add KPI¡±




POST - Discussion Board Forum

Please go to the Discussion Board Forum and post a reply in the appropriate section.

Login on i-Learning

Click on ¡°Groups¡± which is the fourth tab on the very top of the page

Click on ¡°Trainee Discussion Board¡±

Click on ¡°collaboration¡± which is the sixth tab at the secondary menu

Click on ¡°forums¡±

Click on ¡°Purpose¡±

Click on the questions posted, i.e. Q1 – Q3

Reply to the question, i.e. Q1 –Q3

You are required to reply to Q1, 2 and 3, and encouraged (but not required) to reply to any follow up questions/comments, if any, associated with your initial post.


Directions to get access to class materials on i-Learning:

¡¤         Go to http://inst.edu20.com

¡¤         Enter your user id, which is the first letter of your first name and your last name

¡¤         The password for everyone is initially set to ¡°password¡± (you can change this in the Account section when you wish) Note: You should have received your username/password credentials in email (if you had provided a correct email address)

¡¤         ¡°rep Core Training Q1 2011 – South Bay¡± will show up in the index of classes at the bottom of your home page—you are officially enrolled!

¡¤         If you have any problem with the i-Learning process, please contact Gareth (gareth.seeto@gmail.com; 650-224-5075)

¡¤         The default page when you open the class is the Overview tab. The materials for each lesson are under the Lessons tab.