¿ä¼Á Global CEO


°­»ç: ÀÓ°ÇÅøñ»ç, º¥Äí¹ö ºô¶óµ¨ºñ¾Æ ±³È¸

º»¹®: â 47Àå 37~43Àý


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º¸µð¹ßÀÇ ÃÑ Áý»ç before he was made to be the prime minister.  ¸ðµç °Í, except the wife of the Master.  ¾Æ³»¸¦ »Ñ¸®Ä¡°í °¨¿Á»ìÀÌ.   While he was in prison, this became the window of opportunity to advance to his next job.


º»·Ð: How did this all happen?

Joseph never lost his dream and kept on pressing on toward his calling.

¾î¸° ¼Ò³âÀ¸·Î Á¾À¸·Î ÆÈ·Á¼­ ¾Æ¸¶µµ Èûµç »î.  Even in the midst of all these, he never lost his dream.  W/O such a dream, he may have lost his hope.  This all happen in his late teens or early twenties.

ÀÌ·¯ÇÑ ½ÅÀÓÀÌ ¾îµð¼­ ¿Ô³ª?


1. ¼º½ÇÇÑ ¿ä¼Á

Àá½Ã´Â ´©±¸µµ ³ë·ÂÇÏ°í ¿­½É, however, for long run, it is easier said than done.  ƯÈ÷ °¨´çÅ° ¾î·Á¿î »óȲ¿¡¼­´Â.

¿äÁò Èûµç »óȲ¿¡¼­µµ Just like ¿ä¼Á, we are to be faithful.


2. Á¤Á÷ÇÑ ¿ä¼Á

In God¡¯s eyes, Joseph was Á¤Á÷.  Even to the point of entrusting Joseph of everything. ½Å¿ëÀº ÇÏ·ç ¾Æħ¿¡ ¸¸µé¾î Áö´Â °ÍÀÌ ¾Æ´Ô. ¼º½Ç, ½Ç·Â,¡¦ ½Å¿ë.

¸ÕÀú ÁÖÀÎ, °¨¿Á °£¼ö, °°Àº µ¿·á ÁËÀε顦. µîµî

¾Æ¸§´Ù¿î ÁÖÀÎÀÇ ¾Æ³»¸¦ ÇÇÇÏ¿© µµ¸Á°¡´Ù°¡,


3. ¾ÆÀ̵ð¾î·Î ½ÂºÎÇÑ ¿ä¼Á

¹Ù·ÎÀÇ ²ÞÀ» Çؼ® plus 7³â 7³âÀÇ idea¸¦ Á¦½Ã

1/5¾¿ ¼¼±Ý °¢ ¼º¿¡ ¸ð¾ÆµÎ¶ó.

           (note: this was the very first mention of a tax in history was this good?  There are lots of debate around this matter)


¾î¶² ½Ã±â¿Í ¾î¶² itemÀ» °¡Áö°í business ¸¦ run Çϴ°¡?

¹®Á¦´Â ÀÌ°ÍÀ» ÆÇ´Ü ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ÁöÇý, ÀÌ°ÍÀÌ °áÁ¤ÀûÀÎ ¿ä¼­ ·¢ any successful business.  ¿äÇà½ÉÀ» °¡Áö°í ¹«Á¶°Ç ±â´Ù¸®´Â °ÍÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï°í ³²ÀÇ item À» °¡Áö°í ´Ù Áö³ª°£ (ÇÑ ¹° °Ç³Ê°£) ¶§¿¡ Çϸé no wonder that ¸ÁÇÏÁö ´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷±îÁöµµ.

³ª¶ó¸¦ À̲ø¾î°¥ Á¤µµÀÇ »ç¶÷Àº ¡¦.


4. °í³­°ú ¾î·Á¿òÀÀ ÀØ°í »ç´Â CEO

Àå³² ¹«³«¼¼ ¿¾ ¹®Á¦¸¦ ÀØ°í Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ³ª¿¡°Ô ÀÓÇϼš¦

Â÷³² ¿¡ºê¶óÀÓ Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ³ªÀÇ ¼ö°íÇÑ ¶¥¿¡¼­ ÀºÇý Á̴ּÙ.

°í³­À» ±Øº¹ÇÏ°í Àؾî¹ö¸®¸ç, ÁÁÀº ÀÏÀ» ±â¾ïÇϸç

           (modern day power of positive thinking) this was not the case of ¿ä¼Á.   He was truly thankful of ¡¦.

He was able to do this because Joseph knew that God was the author, and operator as well.


°á·Ð:  We are to be like Joseph, especially CEO

Paramount, Formost Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ÇÔ²²ÇϽøé ÇüÅëÇϸ®¶ó´Â FACT  39Àå 1Àý

¾îµð¸¦ °¡´ø, same situation that Joseph was with God.

ºÎÀÚ´Â Çϴÿ¡¼­ ³½´Ù.  Çϳª´ÔÀÌ ÇüÅëÄÉ ÇÏ¿©

Grace of God was with Joseph